Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 7, 2015

Published tháng 7 04, 2015 by ana03 with 0 comment

Viêt Nam Trong Trái Tim Tôi: Vietnam is Always in My Heart

My trip with CBT Vietnam was my first time ever visiting an Eastern Culture, but I knew I was ready to be taken out of my comfort zone and try something new. After months of anticipation, and hours of preparation the day had finally arrived to depart for Hanoi.

While I was in Vietnam one of my largest tasks was to photograph every homestay and homestay owner in the Lao Chai and Ta Phin villages. I thoroughly enjoyed capturing moments from behind a lens, however I made sure to put them down for allotted times to soak in the culture as well.

In Ta Phin, Henry, Chung and I photo documented 12 homestays in one morning. That day I learnt that no matter how much I have to get done, I must stop and eat. Stopping to sharpen your axe could get you through the tree faster than continuing to chop with a blunt axe. The next day we began to document the homestays and small shops, and it would be four days before all 19 units were trekked to and documented.

This was an amazing task to be a part of because not only do I now have over 3,000 photos for my memories, but I also got a small glimpse of over 30 homes and the way 30 different families live their lives.

One of the large aspects to the trip was to prepare 12 of the village members for their trip to Hanoi in August.   My task was to facilitate learning around business development and finance to tie into my partner Marina’s lessons of presentation skills. The first lesson to break the ice I put an assortment of plastic toy animals on the table and got people to explain why they would be such animal. This helped to give me insight into their confident areas and helped to get people comfortable and laughing.

The Black H’mong had a good understanding as to what needed to be done to establish a sustainable homestay, however their main issue was finding the financial means. However, those who have found the financial means to change their homes have seen an improvement in their quality of life and that helps to encourage other families to get started who have a desire to improve their lives as well.

My favorite lesson I did was on the second day when I discussed business financing. To start the lesson off I asked everyone what they would do if they won the lottery for 5 Million Ɖ ($5,000 USD) as the introduction, and the reactions were enlightening. Every purchase was to improve the life of their entire family from a car to safely travel, to sending their kids to post-secondary school.

I had many members of the Lao Chai village come up and personally thank me for the information they received through that lesson which felt very rewarding.

All in all, the CBT Vietnam project is the coolest thing I have experienced in my life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I learnt so much about myself and my goals. Having an experience like this helped me to reevaluate my life intentions and what my needs as a human are to truly achieve happiness. I left this project feeling I had made some new close friends with the team I came with, and I feel I truly helped to make a difference in the village through the learning I helped to facilitate. On my last night in Hanoi I found an old propaganda poster that spoke to me, and I feel after this trip of a lifetime will remain true and relevant in my life. Viêt Nam Trong Trái Tim Tôi: Vietnam is always in my heart.


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