Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 4, 2014

Published tháng 4 28, 2014 by ana03 with 0 comment

One day to go!

With final exams finished and ONLY one day till departure, there is a buzz amongst all us girls. Whether it is constant stress about what to pack, or figuring out which insurance to get, we are down to the wire and couldn’t be more excited!

For the past few months, we’ve had weekly meetings in preparation for this upcoming CBT Vietnam trip. We have been emailing back and forth with connections in Vietnam and are eager to finally meet everyone. Like all the trips before us, we hope to build strong relationships and bring back memories that will last a lifetime.

But am I getting ahead of myself? We haven’t even left yet! Right now, I need to focus on making sure I don’t forget anything and mentally preparing myself that I will be flying to Vietnam in one day

See you soon Vietnam.

Be sure to follow us and our adventures on Facebook


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